Wednesday, May 7, 2008



This is a long overdue blog. Typically I write these blogs after a show, kind of a show review from my perspective. But like I said this one is overdue.

  • Jannus Landing, St. Petersburg, FL 4/5/08

This was a show I have been looking forward to for some time fro two reasons.

Reason one. My brother from another mother, best damn roadie alive, king of the late-night get yer ya-ya's out, goofy-footed, Mirada driving, world famous JOHNSON lives on the west coast of Florida and he was coming out. As John describes the venue at Jannus Landin, "that's MY venue." Well, it's not really his, but I'm not gonna argue with him! It was great to spend some long overdue time with the JOHNSONATOR. Some of you might remember John as the only guy to keep me fed, alive and sane on the first No Address tour w/ Shinedown. He is a legend.

Reason two. I played Jannus Landing before as a opener for Crossfade and Seether. I thought it would be cool to go back and headline the venue. There was more debauchery and excitement backstage for the Crossfade, Seether concert, but there was more sanity backstage with Pat. At this point in my life I prefer sanity and responsible partying. Or as I like to say "I take my fun very seriously."

The show was a meteorologists dream. When we were driving in from Orlando we drove through some heavy thunderstorms. When we drove through the Tampa area the skies cleared for us and the sun shined on. As we were sound checking, I could barely see due to the sun blinding me. As the opening act (a S.R.V. tribute band) took the stage, the skies opened and dumped around 1 inch of rain. I believe it rained there entire set. The scary thing was the rain got on Kirk's pedal board. Didn't this just happen at the last gig? But his pedal board survived.

The show went on. My shoes were wet as I took the stage from walking through puddles, and my foot kept slipping off my bass drum pedal during the 1st song. In addition, because the humidity was around 100%, I dropped around 6-7 sticks throughout the show. But in general the show was great. Everyone seemed to have fun despite the wet weather.

It was nice to play the Jannus Landing once again.

Special thanks goes out to John "Johnson" Robinson, Monica Travers, Joe Elgin, Gary Lynn and RodNasty for the truck and trailer.

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