Friday, October 1, 2010

Idiot's Guide to Gigging.

As I am writing this blog, my mind is re-capping the events that happened last night on a gig. I am only going to touch on the topic and details, because I am seriously thinking about writing a instructional manual on gigging.

Lesson 1 - Bring two of everyting. Eventually, when you least likely suspect, your gear (guitars, bass, drums, cables, speakers, etc.) is going to not have a good day. It may be a simple fix, like batteries or a cable, or something major like wiring of said instruments. Point is, you will spend more time looking and feeling like a moron attempting to suss out the faulty instrument, or you can simply grab the back-up.

Lesson 2 - Show up extra early to gigs. This not only helps you in the sense of having ample time to set-up, soundcheck, eat and freshen-up...but it allows you time to drive around town to find a suitable back-up instrument in the likely event that it shall fail. (SEE ABOVE)

More to come in the book. Right nmow I'm off to fix gear for tonight. Cheers!

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